Police urge people to inform of door-to-door campaigns

Wednesday, 15 July 2015 01:15 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Police are requesting the public to inform them of illegal activities committed by candidates contesting the 17 August General Election.

Police Media spokesman ASP Ruwan Gunasekera said such complaints could be made on the emergency number 119 as well as through special numbers allocated for complaints at the police election operation office:  0112543811 or 0112387999.

According to the election law, conducting parades and vehicle parades are prohibited for one week from the date of nominations. 

At the same time, displaying posters, cutouts and banners as well as door-to-door campaign are also prohibited during this week.

The police media spokesman also said that people had the possibility to record such illegal activities and send video clips to police for further action.

The clips can be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected].

Meanwhile, 1,900 laborers have been employed by police to remove illegal posters and cutouts. 

The Police Media Spokesman said that Rs. 75 million had been allocated to police department for the purpose.

At the same time, the election operation office set up at the Police Headquarters had received 24 election-related complaints so far.

Police Media Spokesman ASP Ruwan Gunasekera said that 16 people had been arrested in connection with these incidents.