More massive protests against Private Sector Pension Bill

Thursday, 26 May 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Private sector trade union wing in Sri Lanka, the Inter Company Employees’ Union (ICEU) has said that it would not allow the proposed private sector pension scheme to be implemented even if it receives parliamentary approval.

ICEU Head, Wasantha Samarasinghe says that the unions would continue to protest against the scheme and even if it is approved in parliament, the private sector workers would protest until the piece of legislation is revoked.

ICEU has planned to hold district level seminars to inform people of the disadvantages of the pension scheme. Several other protests including agitation campaigns and the distribution of leaflets are also planned.

Samarasinghe says that over one million private sector employees would take to the streets against the proposed Bill.

According to Samarasinghe, the government needs to introduce a pension scheme to the private sector that is beneficial to the workers unlike the one presented.

The government said yesterday the proposed pension scheme will not deprive the employees any of their existing rights and benefits enjoyed through Employees Provident Fund or Employees Trust Fund.

The proposed new pension scheme introduced by the government with good intention will help the employees to enjoy a continuous retirement benefit in addition to their EPF and ETF entitlements, the government said.
