Sri Lankan Embassy conducts free medical camp and clinic for community members

Tuesday, 4 February 2020 00:29 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Under the patronage of the Sri Lankan Embassy in Bahrain, the American Mission Hospital (AMH) and Sri Lanka Engineering Society (SLES) conducted a free medical camp and clinic at the Embassy premises on 24 January. Well Over 300 Sri Lankans domiciled in Bahrain attended the clinic to obtain medical, dental and eye, breast cancer screening and other clinical services from specialised doctors and trained clinicians employed at the AMH. 

The opening remarks were made by SLES Bahrain President Tissa Premasiri, accentuating the vitality of one’s health and well-being and thanked the Executive Committee members of SLES for their unwavering support to make the event a great success. Dr. Babu Ramachandran, Senior Physician and Service Line Head of AMH exemplified to the visitors the various aspects of health-related sicknesses and diseases and how to detect or prevent them, among others. He further stated that free medical camps are set up by the AMH with an aim to bring awareness amongst the populace who have no access to basic healthcare services or knowledge about the diseases they are suffering from.  Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Pradeepa Saram highlighted the importance of organising events of this nature in particular a free medical camp, in order to outspread medical and clinical services and other medical tests to all community members, mostly to the less privileged. She also extended gratitude to the expatriate community association, especially SLES who assisted in organising the event.