Special Presidential Task Force to focus on health security at Tri-Forces camps

Tuesday, 28 April 2020 00:54 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A new special Presidential Task Force headed by Western Province Governor and Marshal of the Air Force Roshan Goonatileke was appointed yesterday to tackle health security at camps of the armed forces. 

The newly established Presidential Task Force is responsible for preparing, implementing and monitoring an effective mechanism under the guidance of Secretary of Defence and Commanders of Tri-Forces, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said in a statement yesterday. 

The decision to appoint the Task Force was taken at a discussion to identify measures that need to be taken to ensure health security at military camps was held at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday. 

The meeting was presided over by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and with the participation of retired security chiefs and medical experts.

“It is equally important to protect the people as well as security forces personnel. Special attention should be paid to groups who act closely with the infected. Those who are infected should be directed to hospitals while people they had association with should be sent for quarantine. The prime objective is to prevent the community transmission of the virus,” President Rajapaksa said. President instructed the panel of experts to immediately prepare a report following visits to all military camps. Priority should be given to the health security of the security officers who are engaged in quarantine activities. President also advised to obtain the assistance of medical experts as and when necessary, to promote health facilities within camps.

President emphasised the necessity of identifying any shortcomings, if any in the process of successfully containing the virus so far.

Secretary to the President Dr. P.B. Jayasundera, Principal Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Air Force former Commander, Western Province Governor and Air Force Marshal Roshan Goonatileke, Sri Lanka Navy former Commander Admiral (Retired) Jayantha Perera, Civil Defence Department Director General Rear Admiral (Retired) Ananda Peiris, Maj. Gen. Sumedha Perera, Medical Consultant Bandula Wijesiriwardene, Medial Specialist Vajira Senarathne were also present in the discussion.