Sajith pledges to take party forward with new vision

Monday, 6 January 2020 00:23 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa addresses the meeting in Galle - Pic by Pradeep Pathirana


Leader of the Opposition Sajith Premadasa says the United National Party will move forward with a new vision and a new outlook.

Participating in an event in Galle over the weekend, the Opposition Leader said the Office of the Leader of the Opposition will be transformed into a helpful and people-friendly institution, which will listen to the grievances of the people who are faced with injustice and provide relief.

Premadasa said clearly the number one priority of the Opposition is to ensure the security of the nation. He added that all the members of the UNP parliamentary group are committed to give the top most priority to the security of the Sinhala Buddhist motherland, while protecting all minority communities.

The Opposition leader also charged that the current Government is launching a campaign against the 5.9 million people who voted for him at the last Presidential Election. He said that some Government workers have been transferred, and some others are harassed for voting against the present Government.

The Opposition Leader stressed that he will never divide the party in a bid to gain posts or positions, and assured that he will do his utmost to win the upcoming General Election.

MP Premadasa noted that the current Parliament is expected to be dissolved in March, and urged all supporters to prepare to face the General Election.

The Opposition Leader said the party should not be deterred by the defeat at the Presidential Election, and urged organisers to work towards securing victory at the forthcoming Parliamentary Election.