K’gala Magistrate calls for documents relating to Buwaneka Hotel

Wednesday, 29 July 2020 03:06 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Orders K’gala Mayor and NWP Governor to submit all related documents immediately
  • Move follows submissions by senior AG Dept. official

Kurunegala Magistrate A. D.C.S. Hewawasam yesterday issued an Order to the Mayor of the Kurunegala Municipal Council (KMC) Thushara Sanjeewa to immediately submit to Court all documents pertaining to the Buwaneka Hotel building.

The Order was given following submissions made to the Court by a senior Attorney General’s Department official, who appeared on behalf of AG Dappula de Livera.

The AG has named ten documents related to the Buwaneka Hotel building to be made available.

The Court also directed the Governor of the North Western Province (NWP) A.J.M. Muzammil to submit all documentation related to the Wayamba Development Committee meetings including minutes.

The Magistrate last week issued an Order preventing the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, councillors, Municipal Commissioner, or Municipal Engineer from entering the Buwaneka Hotel premises, after the AG made detailed submissions to court on the destruction of the building which is an archaeological site.

The AG has instructed Acting IGP Chandana Wickramaratne to submit all investigation material relating to the destruction of the Buwaneka Hotel by 31 July.