Former Speaker, Deputies felicitated by Parliament staff

Tuesday, 10 March 2020 01:31 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya said yesterday that he was able to work in a manner to further the democratic process during the years he served in Parliament for four and a half years.

Jayasuriya also expressed his gratitude to the Parliamentary staff for the support extended during the challenging occasions and hoped that the next set of legislators elected would be befitting of being called “honourable member”. 

Former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya felicitated for his service

The former Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees Ananda Kumarasiri and Deputy Chairperson of Committees Selvam Adaikkalanathan were felicitated at a ceremony held in Parliament yesterday.

Jayasuriya said the Sectoral Oversight Committees of Parliament set up under the past Parliament and other Parliament committees have done a tremendous amount of work during the past four and half years.

Deputy Speaker of the Eighth Parliament Ananda Kumarasiri said that the Parliament of Sri Lanka has played an important role in upholding the principles of democracy and added that updating of Standing Orders of Parliament was a great achievement. Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Eighth Parliament Selvam Adaikkalanathan thanked the Speaker, Deputy Speaker and the Secretary General of Parliament and the staff for their support.

Addressing the gathering, Secretary General of Parliament Dhammika Dasanayake extended his gratitude to the former Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Eighth Parliament for safeguarding the traditions of the Parliament.

Deputy Secretary General of Parliament and Chief of Staff Neil Iddawela also addressed the gathering.