Defence Ministry to set up Special Task Force to combat drug menace

Tuesday, 28 January 2020 00:37 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Defence Ministry Secretary Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Kamal Gunaratne said a Special Taskforce will be formed soon to combat the drug menace and to nab organised drug traffickers.

He said in the absence of a proper mechanism at the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCD) to coordinate effectively with other stakeholders and State institutions, it had affected the achievements of the NDDCD, which supports controlling the drug menace.

Maj. Gen. Gunaratne, addressing the NDDCD staff, stressed the urgent need of a Special Task Force to coordinate collective efforts of the respective stakeholders such as the security forces, Police, Special Task Force and the Health Ministry, along with other responsible Government institutions in combating the drug menace.

“Restructuring the administration of NDDCD, permanent and competent higher executives will be appointed soon, and subsequent actions will be taken to net not only drug peddlers and users, but also the drug smugglers, who are operating and involved in drug smuggling from their prison cells,” he said.

While stressing the need of working hard without abiding to the stipulated working hours, the Defence Ministry Secretary requested the NDDCD staff to ‘give a little bit more to the assigned work’.

Recalling military practices of his time, he stressed on the necessity of continuous learning sessions, workshops, developing of leadership skills to motivate individuals, and shared working capabilities.

Recently, according to the directives of the Defence Ministry Secretary, a special operations unit that functions 24/7 was also established at the Police Special Task Force Headquarters, which is also gathering information with regard to drug-smuggling incidents.

Director General (Acting) Aloka Bandara, Senior Assistant Secretary Sakunika Sumathipala, Additional Secretary (Acting) Malika Suriyapperuma, NDDCD staff and Defence Ministry officials were also present at the event.