CMC, private sector join to keep Colombo city clean

Monday, 22 January 2018 01:48 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Colombo Municipal Council (CMC), together with Jetwing Hotels, Janasakthi Insurance , Expo Property Developers, Harpo, Hayleys, AIA Insurance , Richardson and Abans will install 1000 litter bins in an effort to keep the Colombo city streets clean. 

The project is entirely funded by the private sector, according to CMC-appointed Project Co-ordinator Dinesh Weerakkody. Weerakkody further said the Project needs more private sector participation. 

The bins will be installed in areas such as: shopping areas, car parks, parks, grounds, adjacent to educational establishments and state institutions.  Emptying of bins will be undertaken by the CMC.