Marketer Pulse transforms into open real-feeling digital mag

Tuesday, 27 September 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Marketer Pulse Magazine, a Sri Lankan magazine that is dedicated to kindle thoughts, ideas and practice with very high standards in its editorial and production process which impressed many professionals, has fully transformed its business and operational model into a digital category.

As Sri Lanka and the whole world is moving towards the all available digital and social media resources in the open web space with readers finding it more easy, convenient, easy-to-access, Marketer Pulse Magazine has succeeded to listen to this critical need for change and moreover has given the same feeling and touch of the physical magazine to the whole world for free which could be accessed via

“The physical magazine industry is exploded in Sri Lanka and many parts in the world. As entrepreneurs, we have learnt for ourselves that the readership is slowing very significantly with a very high demand for e-versions. Our strategic team has studied this well and has transformed the magazine into a fully integrated digital version. We are happy that Sri Lanka is greatly embracing digital and we will make every move to sustain and take the potential to greater heights,” said Thanzyl Thajudeen, CEO and Editor-In-Chief of the Marketer Pulse Magazine.

“After successful surveys on our operations, we have now studied that many of the readers existing and potential as well as all those out there actually prefer the same feeling on the web space which makes it more convenient, easy-to-access, and moreover available freely while you are sipping a coffee at your home PC, browsing through on your laptop while travelling, flipping through the pages with your colleagues at your office, or even touching on your i-Pad when you are on-the-go.

“You can now flip the pages, zoom them, click on the headers, share it across your social profiles or email them, browse through text format if you prefer, listen to the contents, or simply just download the file, save and read in your free time. Moreover, we are also happy to say that we will be embedding videos, audios, and a whole lot more feature to make the Marketer Pulse Magazine come alive.”

This transformation, which will sustain and showcase Sri Lanka to international levels, is with the partnership of Pressmart, a digital conversion and delivery partner of print publishers including newspapers, magazines, catalogues and books with a global customer footprint in 57 countries with 700 publishing titles in 25 languages delivered to 1.5+ million subscribers worldwide, and a preferred partner of premier publishing associations around the world. It has won several awards and recognitions for its product innovation.