20th Anniversary Lapel Pins distributed at the AGM’s

Monday, 26 September 2022 01:32 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Economic strife in the Country during past year or so, precluded The Management Club from celebrating their 20th anniversary in a fitting manner. Physical meetings and events were restricted to mainly Zoom.... Webinars. Although several plans were being made to have even a low-key event to celebrate the anniversary and distribute a "Custom Designed Lapel Pin" signifying the anniversary year, year of Inauguration, TMC logo, and member category, regrettably such an event did not materialise due to Country's dire Economic situation.

The recently concluded AGMs, were well attended and provided the opportunity for the distribution of such lapel pins to those who participated.

President Emeritus, Fayaz Saleem distributed the lapel pins to the platinum members and then called upon, the BOM President Kaushal Rajapakse to distribute the rest. Those who were unable to be present at the AGMs may collect their lapel pins from the TMC Secretariat Galadari Hotel.