Medcon celebrates Christmas with children who have had hearing implant surgery

Saturday, 31 December 2011 00:05 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Medcon Company who has been in the Hearing Aid Business for nearly 5 years celebrated Christmas with Children who have done the Hearing Implant   Surgery after they were born deaf and dumb.

Chairman of Medcon Dr. C.S. Sivakumar said this event   was organized for the 4th year in success   and purely as a   public social responsibility event of the company and would love to see the children born deaf and blind sent to normal schools where they could learn with other normal children.

He further states although  these children who hears and speaks after the surgery belonging to the normal hearing society they are hesitant to face the society because of the stigma not only them but also the parents . Therefore to come out from that stigma Medcon specially organizes this type of get  together  annually where they could prove their ability