Commercial Credit platinum sponsor of Lester James Peries and Sumitra Peries Foundation

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 00:21 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Commercial Credit PLC recently joined hands with the Lester James Peries and Sumitra Peries Foundation as Platinum Sponsor for its activities during 2012/13.

Commercial Credit  CEO Roshan Egodage said, “We are delighted to partner with the Lester James Peries and Sumitra Peries Foundation. Dr. Peries is a national icon who changed the course of Sri Lankan cinema. Hailed as an Asian great, he has had numerous international and local honours bestowed on him over decades. A former Ambassador to France, Peries possibly enjoys the position as the world’s only qualified woman film director who is still in active service. She is currently working on her latest movie Vaishnavee. Commercial Credit is undoubtedly proud to be associated with these two eminent Sri Lankan personalities and wish the Foundation all the very best in its future activities.” Taking top billing in the Foundation’s calendar of activities is the annual ‘Lester James Peries Oration’. The second annual such oration is scheduled for Tuesday 19 June at the auditorium of the Sri Sambuddhatva Jayanthi Mandhiraya in Colombo 05.

This year’s Oration will be delivered by Senior Minister of International Monetary Cooperation Dr. Sarath Amunu-gama, himself a close friend of Dr. and Mrs. Peries for several decades. Guest of Honour on the occasion will be Prof. Phang Lai Tee, Senior Assistant Director, Audio Visual Archives of the National Archives of Singapore who will speak on the importance of archiving.  “We sincerely thank Commercial Credit for coming on board as our Platinum Sponsor. The Foundation has planned activities for the forthcoming year and will surely be assisted by this generous sponsorship. We look forward to a strong and fruitful partnership with Commercial Credit in the months to come,” said Yadamini Gunawardene, Trustee of the Foundation.

The inaugural Ora-tion was held last year, at the launch of the Lester James Peries and Sumitra Peries Foundation and was delivered by Prof. Wimal Dissanayake with celebrated Indian film maker Adoor Gopalakrishnan as Guest of Honour.

The Lester James Peries and Sumitra Peries Foundation is an approved charity incorporated by an Act of Parliament. Its Trustees are Dr. Lester James Peries, Sumitra Peries, Gayathri Mustachi, Yadamini Gunawardene and Kumar de Silva.