Christmas and New Year just got merrier with Heavenly Magic luxury ice cream

Wednesday, 21 December 2011 00:15 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Heavenly Magic, synonymous with exquisite premium ice cream makes this festive season even more delightful with its newest top of the range ice cream. The luxurious ice cream collection is made entirely in Sri Lanka and is brought to you by the country’s number one dairy ice cream Magic.

Now Heavenly has just added on three new exciting variants, each packed with rich creamy exotic blends from the world’s finest ingredients, promising you a heavenly ice cream experience this season.  

The ‘Exotic Nuts in Rich Chocolate Ice Cream’ caters to ice cream lovers who are nuts about nuts.

Every bite of this smooth premium chocolate ice cream comes with generous helpings of crispy almonds, hazelnuts and cashew nuts.    ‘Chocolate Obsession’ is specially made for choco lovers. A shower of pure delectable chocolate chips is folded into rich creamy chocolate ice cream, making it a truly chocolate explosion of flavour.

For the natural fruit lovers ‘Heavenly’ has concocted a delightful ‘Fresh Mixed Berries Ice Cream’. Plump and tangy fresh raspberries, blackberries and blueberries are folded into a ribbon of premium ice cream promising a sensational and luxurious fruity experience.

The new Heavenly Magic range gives you an exceptional eating experience that goes beyond great taste. The rich sensual textures of Heavenly Magic gives you an intense, absorbing pleasure that tantalises your taste buds, making you want more.

 ‘Majestick’ a premium vanilla ice cream coated with thick rich dark chocolate comes to you in a pack of five. Beautifully packed in the inner sleeve of an attractive box, the collection is sure to be the best gift you can give your loved ones this season.

It’s also perfect for a spontaneous treat to be shared with your family and friends or simply to indulge on your own.  Commenting on the festive collection, Brand Manager Magic, Teresa Santos said, “Heavenly is all about extra special exciting experiences. And what better time than this season to truly bring that experience to our customers with special products that embody the spirit of the festivity.”

She added “Innovation is our edge and the premium ‘Heavenly’ products are in addition to our regular range which has come to be the most loved collection of ice cream in Sri Lanka.”