An authentic Swiss culinary journey at MLH

Wednesday, 20 July 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

“Food and drink keep body and soul together” is a proverb often displayed in kitchen and dining rooms at Swiss homes. It shows that they take food seriously and meals are the center of family life.

Mount Lavinia Hotel will once again celebrate a week long fête, along with Executive Chef Alexander Kroll from the Widder Hotel in Zurich and Executive Chef Oliver Barda from the Great Adlon hotel in Berlin.

This enthusiastic duo will certainly create the ultimate Swiss Gastronomy experience, at our very own Mount Lavinia Hotel. The Swiss Food Promotion at MLH will be launched on 27 July and will go on till 2 August.

Chef Alexander Kroll has had the privilege of cooking for the President of the United States Bill Clinton for his private dinners. His experience was deepened with a two year service at the Private Gourmet Service, Formula 1 (Spa Belgium/and Monaco) owned by Michael Schumacher, where he was the Executive Chef. Chef Alexander has also offered his expertise at charity events in Africa as well as in Ethiopia.

Chef Oliver Barda has 22 years of experience in this trade serving in renowned hotel restaurants in Germany and Switzerland. One key aspect of Oliver’s culinary creations would be the use of fresh, seasonal produce from organic farms.

He is known for his expertise on emphasising the natural unprocessed products, refined with international delicacies, herbs and spices in an innovative and intensifying manner. The result is a classical gourmet cuisine.

The Swiss menu will include all time favorite items such as, raclette, fondue, creamy chicken and mountain ham cordon bleu, oven-baked polenta, Swiss inspired creamy pork stew and a variety of deserts that are synonymous with Switzerland.

“Swiss food, which is based on culinary heritage blended into the colonial heritage of MLH, will surface an authentic food festival that really shows that we take our food seriously and indeed the centre of concentration,” stated Anura Dewapura, General Manager Mount Lavinia Hotel.

He added: “Swiss master chefs are flown to celebrate this exquisite Swiss culinary journey, for the diverse Sri Lankan palate. It will certainly be a unique food experience for those who appreciate authentic Swiss food.”