15-31 October: Lasagna promotion at The Bay Leaf

Tuesday, 18 October 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Bay leaf, Colombo’s finest Italian restaurant, offers a selection of Lasagne dishes as its October monthly promotion. Italian food needless to say, incorporates the Italians infectious lust for life and a passion for simple pleasures, family and tradition, in the glorious food offered.

Lasagne is a popular Italian dish which has many theories of its origin. Italy is a country of great variety, and Italian cooking is just another aspect of the diversity of Italian culture. This diversity in Italian food stems largely from peasant heritage and geographical differences.

Bay Leaf has continued to offer these varieties in its monthly promotions along with the extensive menu offered.

The Lasagne Promotion offers Lasagne Alla Marinara (layered oven baked fresh pasta with seafood) Lasagne Verdi (layered oven baked spinach pasta with vegetables and mushrooms) Lasagne Pollo (layered oven baked fresh pasta with chicken ragout) and Lasagne Della Cass with beef ragout.

An excellent selection of starters with soup and salad or anti pasti is also available. The dessert selection also will not disappoint you with the Italian favourites such as Cassata alla Sicilliana, Tiramisu to Zabaglione con Gelato.

There is also a choice selection of wines to accompany your dinner and for pre dinner drinks the newly refurbished Retro Bar offers sundown Deals from 5.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.