Netanyahu fires finance, justice ministers; prepares for polls

Friday, 5 December 2014 01:27 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Reuters: Israeli lawmakers voted on Wednesday (3 December) to dissolve Parliament a day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired centrist members of his feuding governing coalition. A preliminary vote on a bill submitted by a group of lawmakers passed with 84 legislators voting in favour of dispersal, no objections and one abstained.The bill will be passed to a Knesset committee for approval then back to the Knesset for final votes early next week. Earlier in the day faction leaders in Parliament agreed on a 17 March date for the election. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appealed on Wednesday for a “clear mandate” from voters in the early election he called, with opinion polls showing the right-wing leader on track for a fourth term. Two opinion polls issued on Tuesday (2 December) predicted Netanyahu’s Likud would emerge as the largest party, but short of an outright majority in the 120-seat Knesset, if the national ballot was held now. That would leave Netanyahu well-positioned to form what would likely be the most right-wing Government in Israel’s 66-year history, comprised of his current ultranationalist partners and possible Orthodox Jewish allies and devoid of now alienated moderates. Netanyahu’s five-party administration, which took office only last year, has been unravelling over an array of issues, including the 2015 budget and a Jewish nation-state bill that critics say discriminates against Arab citizens. Israel had not been due to hold an election until 2017, but Netanyahu, accusing Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni of undermining him, dismissed them on Tuesday (2 December) and announced he wanted to dissolve Parliament “as soon as possible”. Once a final vote on dissolving the legislature is held next week, Netanyahu will lead a now-minority Government until a new administration is sworn in after the election.