Singer launches Duo: 2 in 1 laptop cum tab

Monday, 21 November 2016 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

untitled-5From left: Microsoft OEM Director South East Asia New Markets Pubudu Basnayake, Singer Sri Lanka Director – Sales and Commercial Mahesh Wijewardene, Singer Sri Lanka Group CEO Asoka Pieris and Singer Sri Lanka PLC Brand Manager – Computers Thayalan Emmanuel introducing the new Duo – a 2 in 1 laptop plus tab


Singer Sri Lanka, the country’s premier consumer durables retailer, added another innovative product to its portfolio with the launch of the Singer Duo – a 2 in 1 laptop cum tab. 

The unveiling of the product was ceremoniously held at the ‘Singer Lifestyle Exhibition 2016’ at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH).  The product launch was graced by Singer Sri Lanka Group CEO Asoka Pieris, Singer Sri Lanka Director – Sales and Commercial Mahesh Wijewardene and Microsoft OEM Director South East Asia New Markets Pubudu Basnayake. This introduction will be a yet another innovative approach to Singer’s continuous focus on introducing latest technologically advanced products to the growing enthusiastic customer base in Sri Lanka. The Singer Duo 2 in 1 Laptop will encompass detachable features in two different modes, the laptop mode and the tab mode. This will enable users to a more user-friendly approach in utilising their laptop depending on their requirement. The laptop also features an Intel Z8300 Quad Core processor with a Genuine Windows 10 Operating System. Other attributes includes 2GB Memory, 32GB Internal Storage, 10.1” IPS Display, capacitive 10 fingers touch screen, a 2 Mega Pixel camera, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Commenting on the new addition, Singer Sri Lanka Group CEO Asoka Pieris said, “Singer, as a company, continuously innovates and enhances our product and service offering for our customers. Singer has always helped position Sri Lanka as a tech-savvy country through our products and solutions and we believe that technology would play a vital role in every citizen’s life as we move forward as a digital inclusive nation.”

Singer Sri Lanka Director – Marketing Kumar Samarasinghe added, “We are delighted to introduce the latest technologically advanced Duo 2 in 1 Laptop range in Sri Lanka. Singer instils a legacy in providing all Sri Lankans the access to a range of world’s best and highly-regarded products at affordable prices and an unmatched service. The new product would be the ideal solution for professional individuals as well as students.”