Planet IP Camera and Media Converter Participate in Rescue of Miners in Chile

Tuesday, 26 October 2010 01:40 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The rescue of the trapped Chilean miners has been achieved finally. Amid the most important moment in the history of rescue, while many countries made all their efforts to provide the state-of-the-art devices to deliver rescue, the Planet Technology is no exception from the very beginning.

When these Chilean miners had been trapped for over two weeks since 5th August, and the rescue team found  thatthere is a slim chance of survival underground on 22ndAugust, the communication between the rescue team and the trapped miners became the priority. A partner of the Planet Technology in Chile, offered the Planet IP camera ICA-H312and media converter FT-802S15 to help set up video conferences among the rescue team, the family members and the trapped miners to watch their life and health condition. This moment moved the whole world when the initial images were conveyed by the Planet products. In the dark and humid shaft, the camera has to provide clear images in the darkness (IR LED). Besides, in order to ensure the long-distance and high-quality video conference, a media converter co-worked with the camera to deliver stable and high-resolution networking. By transmitting immediate interactive video and audio through two-way audio system, all the people concerned were encouraged and were moved to tears. For over one and a half months, these devices had been the medium that conveyed hope, which is vital for the trapped miners to survive, was also injected into them, and to the world.

ABC Computers (Pvt) Ltd is the Authorized Distributor for Planet networking products in Sri Lanka and have been associated with the brand for over 10 years. “The entire range of Planet products can now be purchased or ordered through us directly or through our dealer channel which is spread all over Sri Lanka” commented Mr. ImranLareef, Manager Dealer Channels for ABC Computers (Pvt) Limited. ABC Computers (Pvt) Limited, a company which has been providing leading technological products in Sri Lanka for over 18 years is also distributing a range of cutting end products and services to the industry.