Microsoft a Strategic Partner of FutureGov Sri Lanka 2010

Thursday, 28 October 2010 04:26 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Microsoft has tied up with ICTA as the Strategic Partner of the FutureGov Sri Lanka Forum taking place at Ceylon Continental, Colombo today and tomorrow (28 and 29 ) .

This tie-up extends Microsoft’s commitment to support the efforts of ICTA, and of the Government of Sri Lanka in ensuring that Sri Lanka has access to the latest technologies and that our people have the skills and exposure required to effectively use those technologies to make positive contributions to the national economy.

While Sri Lanka is poised to become the miraculous role model in Asia, Microsoft sees the FutureGov Forum as a meeting of minds, that strive to make our country and moreover, its public sector, the epicenter of the envisioned transformation. Our Government has correctly identified this transformation.

 “Our Government has correctly identified that this transformation will be fuelled by a combination of technology and human capacity development which is geared to take the country to the next level. On our part, through our many initiatives like Gamata IT, Software for the 21st Century, Local Language Software, and Partners in Learning, we continue to invest heavily in partnering the government to facilitate technology adoption across all segments in Sri Lanka,” Microsoft Country Manager Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne emphasised.

 “We all know that technology frequently plays a critical role in the speed and impact of efforts to improve the economic and social conditions of a country – the primary objective of a government.  Microsoft, aligning ourselves to take our country towards this goal, firmly believes that our Public Sector, with the right technological tools and the right form of nurturing can be developed to harness world-class capabilities that can drive the global identity of our nation,” Microsoft Enterprise Director Channa de Silva said.

 “Microsoft is confident that this FutureGov 2010 Forum Sri Lanka, which is a groundbreaking public-private partnership will bring about the efficiency enhancing breakthroughs our public sector requires, as the country moves ahead on its path to achieve sustainable growth,”  de Silva asserted.