CIPM and Trinco Campus, Eastern Uni MoU broadens access to professional HR courses

Tuesday, 18 May 2021 00:33 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CIPM and EUSL representatives exchanging the MoU


CIPM Sri Lanka – the nation’s leader in human resource management, and the Department of Business and Management Studies of the Faculty of Communication and Business Studies – Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka (EUSL) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to develop mechanisms for institutional collaboration in pursuance of common interests pertaining to human resource management and national development. 

The MOU will help the two organisations collaborate in promoting and developing the principles, techniques, and practices of human resource management to optimise human resource utilisation at the national and international level. CIPM Sri Lanka Treasurer Jayantha Abeyrathne, Member W.D.R. Senadheera, Chief Manager Shared Services Indika Wijayasriwardana and People Management Solutions Division Senior Manager Chandima Pinsiri joined the EUSL at the ceremony organised to exchange the MoUs at the Trincomalee Campus of the Eastern University recently.

“We are pleased to enter into this collaboration agreement with the east’s primary centre of learning to broad-base and widen the access to CIPM’s industry-leading professional human resource qualifications while strengthening the institutional collaboration between the two organisations for mutual benefit to contribute to national development. CIPM’s inclusion and collaboration strategy will help add value to national development and raise the bar for HR professionals both at the local and international levels. We will provide applicable exemptions and a concessionary fee structure to appropriately qualified students from the Eastern University for specific courses under the terms of the MOU,” said CIPM Sri Lanka President Jayantha Amarasinghe. 

Under the collaboration agreement, appropriately qualified students of the Faculty of Communication and Business Studies will be provided with exemptions and a concessionary fee structure for when following professional HRM courses conducted by CIPM. Furthermore, faculty members of the Department of Business and Management Studies of the Faculty of Communication and Business Studies of the Eastern University will be allowed to deliver the subject matter of CIPM’s professional HR courses to Eastern University students. 

They will also link up with CIPM’s wide-ranging professional human resource activities, which will help expand the industry-academia linkages. Furthermore, under the terms of the MOU, CIPM and the Department of Business and Management Studies of the Faculty of Communication and Business Studies will undertake collaborative research work to contribute to national development. 

“The Eastern University is delighted to be afforded this opportunity to link up with Sri Lanka’s leading professional human resource body, which will draw the academia closer to the industry. We are confident that this is a mutually beneficial relationship which will enhance the learning activities and experience of our students while positioning them to reach their career goals with access to a regionally recognised chartered professional qualification in human resource management,” said EUSL Trincomalee Campus Rector Professor V. Kanagasingam. 

As per the MOU, CIPM will also award a scholarship to a graduate nominated by the Department of Business and Management Studies of the Trincomalee Campus to follow its professional programmes on a merit basis each year and a Gold Medal Award to the most outstanding student of Bachelor of Science in Management during the annual convocation of the EUSL.