Mihin Lanka no more

Tuesday, 4 October 2016 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Mihin Lanka, the country’s low-fare airline, is to stop operations from the end of October, industry sources said. 

Proposals for SriLankan Airlines to absorb the loss-making airline have been floating around for the last few months. However, a definite date on the merger had not been announced until now. 

Following the takeover, Sri Lankan will fly to all 11 destinations under the UL code, including the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka and Indonesia’s capital Jakarta as well as Indian pilgrimage destinations. 

According to sources, staff attached to Mihin Lanka will also be absorbed into SriLankan Airlines along with two of its three short-haul aircraft. The lease of one of these aircraft will end by 2016. (CD)