Wijeyeratne appointed to Union Assurance Board

Friday, 9 September 2011 03:35 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Harin Amendra Joseph de Silva Wijeyeratne has been appointed to the Board of Union Assurance Plc., following the resignation of A.K. Gunaratne.

Wijeyeratne is currently the Head of Finance and Business Development at Nanco Ltd., and Managing Director of Avastha Financial Advisory Services Ltd.

He is an associate member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of UK. He has over 23 years of experience in the fields of general management, financial management and auditing which has been acquired while being employed at Investecorp Bank, Bahrain, Grindlays Bahrain Bank, Ernst & Young, Bahrain and Ernst & Young, Sri Lanka.

Recently Union Assurance saw two new appointments Suresh Rajendra and D.C. Alagaratnam both JKH nominees following the resignation of Krishan Balendra and Ronnie Peiris. Following the latest appointment the Union Assurance board of directors comprises Ajith Gunewardene (chairman), A. De Zoysa, (non executive independent director), Gerald de Saram (non executive independent director), D.C. Alagaratnam, S. Rajendra and H.A.J. De Silva Wijeyeratne.