Sri Lanka Insurance Motor Plus and AMW Road Side Assistance conduct island-wide Motor Plus Auto clin

Thursday, 26 November 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri-Lanka-Insurance...A vehicle being inspected by the SLIC Motor Plus and AMW teams

Keeping to its promise as the nation’s motor insurance provider, Sri Lanka Insurance Motor Plus recently steered the first motor clinic program in collaboration with AMW Road Side Assistance. 

The motor clinic program was designed to provide customers with the opportunity of receiving free vehicles inspections, technical consultations and diagnostic scans aimed at ensuring that customers are given proper direction on vehicles conditions and to promote regular vehicle maintenance practices. 

The SLIC Motor Plus Auto clinic program is supported by a technical awareness and maintenance programme which provided useful insights on fuel efficient driving tips in addition to a technique session that is provided for hybrid/plug in hybrid and electric vehicles.

Further, the program offers a comprehensive Vehicle Technical Condition Report with recommendations from AMW technical experts that aim to guarantee the safety value for each vehicle. To reward SLIC Motor Plus comprehensive customers for attending the program, a technical inspection and diagnostic scan report worth Rs.5000 is extended free of charge while non SLIC customers are provided with the same at a minimal cost of Rs.1000.

The first program was successfully concluded at the AMW workshop in Rajagiriya on 25 October, and will be visiting Negombo next. In addition to the wide range of service offerings, customers associated with SLIC Motor Plus can also avail a 25% discount on AMW Road Side Assistance when enrolled on location.