Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka & Finance PLC relocates Puttlam branch

Monday, 15 June 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


From left: DGM Support Services Lakshman Kaluarachchi, Chief Executive Officer T. Mutugala, Branch Manager, Puttalam Chaminda Medawaththa 


The Puttlam branch of Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka & Finance PLC has been relocated to new business premises at No: 126B Kurunegala Road Puttlam. The new business premise was declared open by Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka & Finance PLC (MBSL) CEO T.M. Mutugala on 29 May. 

MBSL Regional Manager Niroshan Selvarajah said that the new location will provide many facilities to the customers with easy access via public transport, adequate parking space and superior customer service of MBSL. 

He further said, “The MBSL Puttlam Branch has come a long way within a short period since it was opened in March 2012. We started initially by just offering leasing and hire purchase. But within a short period our product portfolio has penetrated from leasing and hire purchase to auto loans, personal and business loans to project financing, margin trading, capital market, advisory services, etc. We were able to uplift many small and medium enterprises in the Puttlam region through our Micro Finance Scheme, Siyath Saviya. Now we look forward to go even further with our new infrastructure in place.” 

Speaking at the ceremony, MBSL CEO Mutugala said, “Sri Lanka’s economy is now shifting to a new dimension. Easy access to banking and financial services to the general public is very vital in the context of the rapid development taking place. Therefore restructuring, refurbishing and relocating branch networks are an important aspect of getting closer to the public and to provide a superior customer service.” 

Regional team and the staff of the Puttlam Branch and other distinguished guests were also present at the occasion. Following the opening of the new business location many promotional activities have been lined up with special offers to the benefit of all customers.  

Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka & Finance PLC cordially invites the general public of Puttlam region to visit the new premises and experience new and innovative financial solutions.