LB Finance enters Kandana

Friday, 24 December 2010 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Renowned financial giant LB Finance continues to forge onward with its islandwide expansion strategy, opening its doors in Kandana last week. The 40 year-old company is hailed as the undisputed trailblazer in the industry and has been on a spectacular ascend with consistent growth.

“At the moment we are driving forward with our main strategy, which is to aggressively expand our reach within the island,” said Sumith Adhihetty, Managing Director of LB Finance.

“We have identified several further locations and we are pushing to take root in as many provinces as possible in 2011 as we are committed to reaching out to the entire country.”

Adhihetty further added that expansion across the island was crucial, especially during the current period of post-war recovery and growth.

LB Finance is reputed for its revolutionary leasing packages, amongst many other financial services. With all its years of experience in the industry, LB Finance offers unmatched expertise in leasing, which is one of the company’s strongest domains. The company also recently launched LB Finance Factoring, becoming the first licensed finance company to introduce a dedicated factoring unit. The financial giant has taken the industry by storm with its distinctive brand of financial services, recording phenomenal growth in spite of the recent financial meltdown.

LB Finance operates through a highly-integrated network of branches offering cutting-edge solutions through services such as acceptance of fixed deposits, leasing, hire purchase, microfinance, inland money transfer, gold loans, factoring and other credit facilities.