Citibank supports Daily FT – Colombo Uni. MBAA Post-Budget seminar

Wednesday, 18 November 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

6Citibank Sri Lanka CEO Ravin Basnayake presents the sponsorship cheque to Colombo University MBA Alumni President Lalith Sumanasiri whilst Daily FT Editor Nisthar Cassim is also present - Pic by Lasantha Kumara


Citibank (Citi) Sri Lanka has come forward to be the Platinum Sponsor of the unique Post-Budget Forum organised by the Daily FT and Colombo University MBA Alumni Association for the sixth consecutive year.  

Several private sector giants and top experts will speak up at the joint post-Budget forum on Tuesday, 24 November from 9a.m. to 11.30a.m. at the Galadari Hotel. 

The forum has the distinction of providing key insights from the best in the country and this year the lineup is an impressive set of business leaders drawn from diversified conglomerates so as to give a broader perspective. A top economist as well as tax expert will also speak at the Forum at which Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake will be the Chief Guest. 

Acclaimed economist for his independent and objective commentary, Former Central Bank Deputy Governor W.A. Wijewardena will evaluate the 2016 Budget from the point of view of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s recent Economic Policy Statement whilst PricewaterhouseCoopers Director Tax Services Charmaine Tillekeratne will comment on tax proposals contained in 2016 Budget.  

The private sector observations will be shared by John Keells Holdings Plc Deputy Chairman Ajit Gunewardene, Carson Cumberbatch Plc Director Mano Selvanathan, Softlogic Holdings Plc Chairman Ashok Pathirage, CT Holdings Deputy Chairman and CEO Ranjit Page,  Hayleys Plc Director Sarath Ganegoda, Aitken Spence Plc Director Parakrama Dissanayake, Hemas Holdings Plc CEO Steven Enderby, Sunshine Holdings Group Managing Director Vish Gowindasamy and Expolanka Holdings Plc Director Sanjay Kulatunga. The panel discussion will be moderated by the Daily FT Editor. 

A booklet containing key proposals of the Budget 2016 and accompanying brief observation will be available at the Daily FT-Colombo University MBAA Post-Budget Forum from its Technical Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers.  First Capital Plc is the Silver Partner. Creative partner is Phoenix Ogilvy and the Print Partner is OfficeMax.

Tickets for the much sought after post-Budget Forum are now up for grabs. Call 0772224994 or reserve via email [email protected]