Pan Asia Bank felicitates longstanding employees

Tuesday, 11 May 2021 00:39 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The longstanding staff members with Pan Asia Bank Immediate past Chairman G.A.R.D. Prasanna, MD/CEO Nimal Tillekeratne, Head of Human Resources Sampath Alwis and the corporate management of Pan Asia Bank 



The nation’s Truly Sri Lankan Bank, Pan Asia Bank, recognised the contribution of its long-standing staff members at a felicitation ceremony recently. 17 employees who served the bank for over 20 years, two employees for 25 years and another two pioneering staff were thanked and rewarded amidst a warm speech from the CEO of Pan Asia Bank, who expressed the gratitude of the bank for their dedicated services. The Immediate Past Chairman G.A.R.D. Prasanna was also present on the occasion and delivered a speech highlighting the value that dedicated staff bring to Pan Asia Bank.

Speaking on the occasion, the Bank’s MD/Chief Executive Officer Nimal Tillekeratne said, “Felicitating team members who have selflessly served the bank for so many years is a key event the entire bank looks forward to. I would like to thank these valued employees for their commitment and valuable contribution to bring this bank to what it is today as the Truly Sri Lankan Bank that stands tall as a pillar of strength and stability with its valuable service to the nation. We hope they will prove to be an inspiration to the newer members as well.”

The event was one of the key highlights of the bank’s 25th anniversary celebrations to connect with loyal staff and inculcate a sense of pride in working for a Truly Sri Lankan Bank that cares for its people.