KPMG webinar on tax amnesty, Finance Act on 24 Sept.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021 01:54 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

KPMG Principal – Tax and Regulatory Suresh R.I. Perera

KPMG Director – Tax and Regulatory Rifka Ziyard

KPMG Manager – Tax and Regulatory Nadeesha Epa

KPMG Sri Lanka Academy will hold a webinar on ‘Dissecting the tax amnesty and the write off of taxes in arrears: Finance Act 2021’ on 24 September (Friday) at 3 p.m.

The Finance Bill which was published in the Gazette on 12 July 2021 was passed in Parliament with amendments on 7 September. The Bill contains two parts covering the imposition of tax on voluntary disclosure and provisions related to write off taxes in arrears under certain laws. 

This one-hour session will be conducted by KPMG Principal – Tax and Regulatory Suresh R.I. Perera, Director – Tax and Regulatory Rifka Ziyard, and KPMG Manager – Tax and Regulatory Nadeesha Epa. 

The discussion would cover features of the Finance Act 2021 including the outcome of the Supreme Court involving amnesty. 

Scope of the tax amnesty, eligibility, qualifying taxes, relevant conditions, and steps involved in securing the amnesty, calculation of voluntary disclosure tax, immunity granted under the Act, write off of taxes, penalties and interests, and relevant deadlines, etc.

For registrations, please contact Anita on [email protected] or 076 561 5577.