Sri Lankan artist hears the call of the wild

Friday, 19 December 2014 11:51 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lankan born artist Charith Pelpola is well known for his stunning wildlife art. From the United Kingdom to the Middle East, Sri Lanka and Singapore, Charith’s paintings have been exhibited in galleries and private collections and have even adorned the walls of the United Nations Headquarters as part of a travelling exhibition.   As he says, “It’s always been about Nature. The wilderness captured my imagination as a kid, and I’ve been enchanted ever since.” Charith is also an award-winning television film maker and photographer but art is his favourite medium. “There is something special about art; about capturing that moment in time; that certain look and sentiment which captures people’s imaginations and says more in just a few strokes of paint than any amount of film could ever do.” Using his talents for a good cause is something he feels very strongly about having recently donated a sketch to the Barbary Macaque Awareness and Conservation Group in Morocco to help raise funds for the organisation. He is also working on creating a collection of original paintings for Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD), a privately run rescue group for stray, abandoned and abused dogs. He hopes to be able to use his art to help the shelter raise much-needed funds to support their cause. A selection of Charith’s art is now available in a variety of print sizes, including greeting cards, posters and postcards from . The site offers worldwide delivery. For more details about his work visit