Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Saturday, 20 November 2021 00:05 - - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}
We literally ignored the UN’s clear warning that more people would die as a result of starvation and related impacts because of lockdowns than the number of victims that C-19 could ever claim even if no measures were taken against the virus – other than what we’ve always done historically, actively treated early and allowed it to become endemic. With such low lethality, nothing else would be rational – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara
Carl Sagan nails it with harrowing, unforgettable clarity: “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
Here is an example of rare anti-bamboozle sentiment, given the “vaccines” do not stop reinfection or spread (the surge numbers of the most “vaccinated” continent, Europe, compared even with North America, then South America, much less the nominal caseload of Asia and Africa confirms this indisputably) from a retired California nurse rightly haranguing The San Diego County Board of Supervisors: “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?”
What middle ground?
I was speaking at a wonderful Summit when the question of a ‘middle ground’ between the Covidian orthodoxy and the ‘sceptics’ (those who can and do read data) came up. I got a tad animated, pointing out that we are kidding ourselves if we think there’s anything akin to honest disagreement here rather than agenda spurred pathological gaslighting.
One more time let’s recall we are speaking about a virus that causes mild to moderate symptoms, very often none whatsoever, in the majority of those infected (hovering close to 99% for those below 65 without serious chronic illnesses and above 65 tracking normal mortality).
The infection fatality rate, as I never tire of reminding panic porn addicts, is 0.1% to 0.5% globally based on seroprevalence studies. With that basic factual backdrop, there is no sanity in radically transforming society into a segregated, totalitarian dystopia with coerced vaccination for everyone possible including children of five!
This is topped up by the vilification and persecution of anyone who won’t conform or dares to question or has the audacity to protest this mass usurpation of civil liberties and grotesque annulling of autonomy in deference to what is akin to a median influenza strain. What ‘middle ground’ possibly rationalises this, much less the outright banishment of the ‘unvaccinated’ from the public sphere, bringing chilling historical reminders of parts of Europe in the mid 1930’s?
Since the ‘vaccinated’ can readily spread it to each other (see Singapore, Gibraltar, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium, Maine, New Mexico), how does hiding them away from the unvaccinated possibly help except as a flexing of latent fascistic muscles?
The tragic trail to lockdowns
Jeffrey Tucker takes us on a tour of the paradigmatic meltdowns that produced the modern day ‘lockdown’ concept, a historical first whereby we pointlessly locked up the healthy rather than protecting the vulnerable. The culprit in part is a Dr. Rajeev Venkayya, and his past is certainly radioactive enough. He was former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation, headed a bioterrorism group while working for George W. Bush’s White House in 2005. This is when new White House guidelines put quarantine, school and business closures for disease containment, into policy manuals (perhaps they had a companion leaflet called ‘How to Invade Countries Who Didn’t Attack You without an Exit Strategy’).
Many who read these rantings at the time assumed this was just a wild simulation and that public revolt would forestall it. Apparently, Mr. Tucker and Venkayya had an exchange as C-19 unfolded, in which Venkayya turned a deaf ear to the concerns that we were devastating people’s rights, literally destroying businesses and actually wrecking public health. He revealed himself a vaccine fetishist and someone who considered natural immunity to be somehow ‘immoral’. In his posture, there was an urgency to crush all dissent, hoping to ride this out. We assume that he is looking on with horror now as his greatest fears in terms of ferocious global backlash continue to grow in the face of the sheer meltdown of lockdown as a failed policy, with economic fallout and global collateral damage that is hard to even quantify due to its magnitude.
October 2005, with George W. fulminating about marshalling national power to confront a potential pandemic, Dr. Venkayya found himself spurned by every serious epidemiologist. But Robert Glass, a computer scientist with zero medical training and no knowledge of viruses that we know of, was ‘inspired’ by a science fair project that his 14-year-old daughter was working on and found a way to be noticed. His daughter’s theory was that if you space kids out or keep them away from school, they couldn’t make each other sick.
No one in public health agreed with him, but Glass figured all these epidemiologists embodying over 100 years of experience in public health couldn’t outwit a guy with a fancy computer backed by a science fair project. Glass found an apostle in the White House called Carter Mecher who came up with this brilliant deduction: lock everyone in a room, don’t let them talk to anyone, and you won’t have any disease!
Small problem, airborne viruses, if already spread, can’t be locked in. Not only would you not have any disease, but you also wouldn’t have any life or economy and the moment you had any exposure, your faltering immune system would be unable to rally. Instead, using those immune systems for what they were designed for would have been far saner. His forecast of transmission falling by 80% if schools were closed, is now just part of many misguided projections that lie dethroned by recurring overwhelming global data.
It might be an idea going forward to create a model of civilisation not quite so fragile as to allow insane people to lay waste to what humanity has so painstakingly advanced. We will further discuss how it is that crazy people with a cause prevail over the better judgement of multitudes.
Too big to flop
I do not wish to revisit the vagaries of the non-diagnostic “test” by which we claim to ascertain “cases”, despite the test being designed to “amplify” whatever is present (strands, fragments, leftovers possibly extending over a month or more), and not identify “live infectiousness”. The only likelihood of accuracy is a lower amplification (cycle threshold, Ct setting). Yet despite global accord that such a setting should be 28 or below, there seems to be utter reluctance to having a national standard in line with that, actually audited and applied. Sri Lanka has apparently no properly administered national standard, which means we are firing blind, and frankly have no idea what our flashing “case numbers” actually signify.
Taking the global view to highlight the sham and potential scam here, the American taxpayer is being hit up for hundreds of millions of dollars to keep a “non-diagnostic test” afloat (sanely, we would just deal with those with symptoms…open US States like Florida and South Dakota and Texas show that there is no viral Armageddon that ensues from doing so). And on the basis of this “non-test” societies open or shut, businesses and lives are foreclosed or eviscerated. It is both Machiavellian and maniacal.
The US public health mafioso pushed this through in 2020, and fortunes are being stockpiled from what is scientifically and medically appraised by anyone not profiting from it, as a “junk test” driving a faux “casedemic.” The costs are staggering. The median cost of a PCR test is around $129 per test. That does not include the additional costs of specimen collection, a medical visit, the insurance provider or the state (if the person isn’t directly paying). Two million tests are churned out a day in the US, which means roughly $254 million dollars per day on this outrageous charade, $7.6 billion per month, and $91.4 billion per year! This for a viral strain that has a global 99%+ recovery rate for those below 65 or without multiple chronic illnesses! How great a chasm do you need between sanity and practice?
To provide context, this is more cash than generated annually by US behemoths like Boeing, Intel, FedEx, Target…who actually provide a service and produce market value. Relative to profits from the “test-demic” industrial complex, looking at financial filings of Quest, the US testing giant that handles about 20% of all the C-19 tests across the US, it is roughly $42 in revenue per test, average processing coming in at $29 per test, $26 million in profits per day, $780 million per month, and $9.3 billion in pure profits per year!
And that’s just the lab side. Globally for this pointless fraud (as above, rationally you would just treat the symptomatic given how low the pathogenicity is, and you would treat early with cheap, available, clearly efficacious treatments that virtually reduce mortality to zero), about 1.1 billion C-19 “tests”. And the accuracy problem is nowhere close to being resolved, so we are “paying” heinous sums to generate false positives by which to paralyse our economy, our society and our lives.
The face mask follies
Of course, the pointless “face nappies” add to this, with 129 billion masks per month being utilised, or three million per minute. And masked jurisdictions have swelling surges, and public health outcomes, including mortality that are quite indifferent to masking (simply compare Sweden to the UK).
For decades, public health assessments, including WHO’s had said face masks don’t work against respiratory viral epidemics. What are the confounding distortions anchoring this now?
First, the incorrect “droplet” model of viral transmission. Respiratory droplets for COVID are transmitted via smaller aerosols than even wildfire smoke, which the CDC admits cloth masks will not protect you against.
Second, it was assumed Asia’s low COVID numbers were due to ubiquitous mask wearing. However, that has never seemed to stem influenza outbreaks there. Moreover, there is clearly greater immunological resilience in both Asia and Africa, despite sputtering protestations to the contrary. Some of this has been reversed only where mass “vaccination” has taken place! Masks have been irrelevant. They are also irrelevant in other parts of the world, where clearly seasonality drives surges.
Third, countries like the Czech Republic were early adopters of this muzzle fetish. Initially, they evaded the first wave, and unearned credit was given to the masking, which completely unravelled as the Czech Republic went on to have the highest infection rate in the world.
Fourth, desperately cobbled together studies tried to counteract decades’ worth of data showing face masks don’t work against respiratory virus epidemics. These “studies” are a cocktail of ill-founded observational data, the usual “modelling” and cherry-picked lab results (some using mannequins). Very notably, is the now clearly debunked fraudulent meta-study commissioned by WHO and published in the Lancet – increasingly a clearing house for obviously fraudulent papers (the retracted smear job on HCQ comes to mind). University of Toronto epidemiology professor Peter Jueni, a leading authority, called the WHO study “methodologically flawed” and “essentially useless”.
Fifth, the bogey man of “asymptomatic transmission” was trotted out. This lacks any demonstrated proof (often confused with “pre-symptomatic”), but since the masks don’t work, it’s irrelevant what the viral status of the person is.
Sixth, political pressure and virtue signalling, the “optics” of pandemia. There is the “psychological” element to hopefully tame behavioural excesses when you can’t properly breathe. It also drove compliance, so people could be “ordered” to get vaccinated or stand apart or “shelter indoors.” Yet world leaders, outside of photo ops are clearly maskless, as are people in the Grammys, Ascot, global sporting events, concerts – and yet little children have to be muzzled…not just jabbed…my God the sheer disdain for the innocent and helpless.
Seventh, the media were witlessly following along, evangelising for this ritual, when clearly data overwhelmingly showed its futility.
Eighth, spurious comparisons with surgeons and masking were made, even though surgeons will tell you their masks are not a defence against viruses, and they would not be allowed to operate if they were ill with one. Surgeons’ masks are to protect against larger bacteria, and perspiration and other droplets, the environment is oxygen enriched, the masks are not re-used…and we could go on…
Ninth, the claim that influenza disappeared, the flu disappeared due to masking is idiotic, as Asians have been zealously mask wearing without any such disappearances for decades. The PCR test can’t distinguish influenza and C-19 (US has withdrawn the EUA of the original PCR test on that very basis), the symptoms are the same, and if even gunshot victims were being labelled a “COVID death” if testing positive as well (literally true), there is no reason to think with all the pressure to exalt the terrors of C-19 that “flu” would not have been baked into the overall stats.
Tenth, when cloth masks didn’t work, and continue to pollute oceans with nary a word of outrage from our green troubadours, stifling oxygen flow was inflicted even outdoors on beaches (there is no recorded instance of outdoor transmission, or “less than 1%” as per the CDC). Double masking, respirator masking, it has made no difference at all. You cannot tell “masked” or “unmasked” US States apart in terms of outcomes, in fact post mask mandate infectiousness seems to swell as per the PCR testing, which is a bit of dour irony (Australia, France, Hawaii, Iceland, Israel, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam). Sweden has 9% mask compliance, it’s actually against the law to wear them in many situations. Florida is blissfully maskless and mass events continue unfettered by any viral repercussions. Bangladesh has better stats than the US, and while ostensibly “masked”, you will see scant evidence, or the odd rag draped for optics over the face.
Time to go back to decades of earlier documented wisdom. But again, a huge cottage industry, stifling human sociability, expressiveness, gathering infection on masks that go in and out of households and pockets and sit on tabletops. It is totemic, symbolic, and stupid.
The lies multiply
Intrepid researcher and scrivener Alex Berenson, deplatformed from Twitter for too consistently telling the truth, reports that on 28 July 2021, Pfizer and its partner BioNTech posted a six-month data update from its key ‘vaccine’ clinical trial, relied on by regulators worldwide to approve the shot. This was a time where ‘vaccine’ effectiveness was being questioned worldwide, and Pfizer indicated efficacy was relatively strong at 84% after six months. It also reported 15 of the roughly 22,000 who received the ‘vaccine’ in the trial died compared to 14 of the 22,000 who received the placebo (saline shot).
Please note, these are not COVID deaths, only three people in the trial actually died from COVID related reasons (out of 44,000, what a devastating pathogen!). One who received the ‘vaccine’ and two who received the saline shot. This all-cause mortality is the most important measure for a drug or vaccine. Though this update was provided in July, the data was already four months old. Nine of the ‘vaccine’ recipients died of cardiovascular events compared to six placebo recipients, a small but notable imbalance given the heart inflammation concerns for Pfizer and Moderna.
At the very best, this suggests that a billion people worldwide at a cost of tens of billions of dollars, coupled with ruinous and worsening civil liberties restrictions had this “remedy” inflicted upon them from something that did nothing to reduce overall deaths! And then, in a scandalous departure from all accepted practice, they ‘vaccinated’ the placebo recipients so long-term health could not be compared going forward.
But this is not the nub of the concern, outrageous as it is. The FDA on 8 November finally released a note explaining why it granted full approval of Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ in August. Alex reports that buried on page 23 of the report they indicate a total of 38 deaths, 21 from the ‘vaccine’ group and 17 from the placebo group! This means that there was either an earlier miscount or misreporting or both in one of the most important clinical trials in medical history. Bottomline, there were 24% higher deaths among ‘vaccine’ recipients!
Mass formation
Mattias Desmet is Professor of Clinical Psychology in Belgium, and he calls the insane infatuation with the narrative despite evident data such as I have cited, an example of ‘mass formation’. There are four conditions required for this mass hypnotic trance, and these are all symptoms of a failed culture hospitable to a Manchurian Candidate-like spell en masse.
Experienced by a large number of people: a lack of meaning, lack of social bonds, prevalent free-floating anxiety, and discontent. When most people find work meaningless, are alienated, cannot navigate their inner anxiety (just consider the epidemic of anti-depressants and tranquilisers throughout the world as well as the swelling rate of suicides, especially among the young) and are discontented, even angry, then solidarity with some agenda that purports to bring people together to face an alleged challenge, promises to quell anxiety through protective action, and demonises anyone that threatens this structure, engenders devotional compliance.
One of the byproducts is a narrowing of our perceptual filter so we naturally evade or perceptually blot out uncomfortable facts. We also narrowly only focus on purported harms from COVID ignoring all the disproportionate collateral impact from our deranged policies.
We literally ignored the UN’s clear warning that more people would die as a result of starvation and related impacts because of lockdowns than the number of victims that C-19 could ever claim even if no measures were taken against the virus – other than what we’ve always done historically, actively treated early and allowed it to become endemic. With such low lethality, nothing else would be rational.
So, we must continue to speak up and out. Mass formation is a ‘specific voice’ constantly penetrating the consciousness. As other voices, leadership voices, humane and compassionate voices, hope restoring and nation building voices, become increasingly audible and available in the public space, the mass hypnosis eventually peters out. And what is left in its wake is fresh possibility.
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