Storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Monday, 17 May 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


To turn the country’s attention to overcome the situation Netanyahu precipitated the case of evicting Palestinian families from their homes and settling Jewish migrants there


Why did Netanyahu precipitate this conflict now?

Political divisions causing instability, cases of bribery, fraud and breach of trust against Prime Minister Netanyahu has been threatening his government. For example four Knesset (parliament) elections were held in a span of two years: in April 2019, September 2019, March 2020 and March 2021. However no stable government yet.

Following last March elections Netanyahu was tasked to form a new government. However neither he nor his opponents possess a majority in parliament due to different interests and personal animosities.  

The last election made it clear that the new Israeli kingmaker is none other than Mansour Abbas, the leader of the Islamic party Ra’am. Netanyahu was ready to form a government with him just to sustain his primacy, with the hope that this may help him stay out of prison. Meanwhile an alternative centrist coalition also can’t be formed without the support of Abbas. 

According to reports hardcore right-wing within the Israeli Knesset do understand that such political power in the hands of an Islamic party empowers their bitterest enemies. It is destined to bring many more Israeli Arabs to the polls in the next election and if Arabs in Israel enjoy the same political representation as the Jewish majority, they can easily become the biggest political force in Israel. 

To turn the country’s attention to overcome the situation Netanyahu precipitated the case of evicting Palestinian families from their homes and settling Jewish migrants there. When controversy over this case was heating up he thought and sent troops to storm Masjid Al-Aqsa during the holy month of Ramadan and precipitated the present conflict killing Palestinians which has been blood sports for Zionists.


Israel triggered latest bloody conflict for political benefit  

Israeli police chase a cameraman covering the raid on Palestinians at Al-Aqsa compound


Shaikh Jarrah is a Palestinian area in East Jerusalem where they were living for generations. Israel wanted some Palestinians to vacate their properties to enable Jewish settlers who had not even seen this property to occupy. 

Palestinian owners refused.

Israeli Supreme court, controlled by the parliament, ordered the Palestinians to vacate and hand over the property to Jewish settlers. Tensions were running high as Israeli settlers swarmed in after an Israeli court ordered the eviction of Palestinian families. Palestinians protesting in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah have been targeted by Israeli forces.

In the midst Palestinians were busy with the Ramadan fasting and daily nightly prayers at Masjid Al-Aqsa which is the first Qibla-direction for prayer for Muslims worldwide. The last 10 days of the Holy Month of Ramadan being very sacred, a large crowd of Palestinian worshippers were at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. 

On Monday 10 May 2021, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispatched forces to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque and assaulted Palestinians at prayer. Troops fired sound bombs that caused a fire to break out in trees inside the Al-Aqsa compound. A least 305 people were injured as Israeli forces fired rubber-coated bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades at Palestinians who were on guard to prevent possible raids by extremist Jews.

Palestinians fought back with their empty hands. In the midst Hamas started firing rockets on Israel. Israel unleashed its traditional barbarity. Thus began the latest conflict during the last few days of the Holy Month of Ramadan. 

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