Amãna Bank continues service towards children at Kalubowila Hospital

Saturday, 12 November 2016 01:13 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

As part of its continued CSR focus towards children, Amãna Bank made another valuable contribution to the Children’s Ward (15B) of the Colombo South (Kalubowila) General Hospital by donating acute medical equipment.

The donation was made by the bank’s Chief Executive Officer Mohamed Azmeer to Colombo South Teaching Hospital Director Dr. Asela Gunawardena in the presence of the bank’s CFO Ali Wahid, Vice President Business Banking Amrit Canaga Retna along with the participation of consultant doctors, nurses of the ward and staff of the bank.

Having taken up the responsibility in 2006 to maintain the Children’s Ward, Amãna has assisted the requirements of the ward including providing of medicines to facilitate the timely treatment of the patients, partitioning, colour washing, repairs as well as donation of IT equipment.

11-01Amãna Bank CEO Mohmed Azmeer handing over a Cardiac Monitor to the Head Nurse of the Kalubowila Hospital Children’s Ward 15B along with Colombo South Teaching Hospital Director Dr. Asela Gunawardena while the bank’s CFO Ali Wahid, Vice President Business Banking Amrit Canaga Retna, Manager – Marketing and Corporate Communications Azim Rali, and other consultant doctors of the hospital look on

Commenting on the occasion, Amãna Bank Chief Executive Officer Mohamed Azmeer said, “We are privileged to continue this bond with the Kalubowila Teaching Hospital and are committed to do our best for the betterment of Children in line with our CSR focus. We believe this equipment will be of much support for the ward in carrying out its good work more efficiently.”

Also sharing his thoughts Dr. Gunawardena said, “We are very happy to note the continuous commitment of Amãna Bank towards the hospital and the children’s ward for which we are truly thankful. They have understood the significant role we play in society and have always extended a helping hand to meet the necessities of the children’s ward during the last 10 years”

The bank also presented a gift pack to all children admitted to the ward, in order to put a smile on their faces.