Ceylinco Life donates High Flow Nasal Cannula equipment to Colombo South Teaching Hospital

Thursday, 20 May 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Ceylinco Life Senior Assistant General Manager – Alternative Channels and Emerging Business Lakshika Keragala (extreme left) handing over the High Flow Nasal Cannula equipment to the hospital’s Consultant Surgeon Dr. Malith Nandasena, while medical and nursing staff of the hospital look on 


Ceylinco Life recently donated High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) equipment to the Colombo South Teaching Hospital at Kalubowila, responding to an urgent need to enhance the non-invasive ventilator facilities for patients with severe hypoxic respiratory failure. 

The HFNC equipment donated by the company will be used at the four-bed surgical High Dependency Unit (HDU) previously donated by Ceylinco Life to Ward 24 of the hospital. The High Flow Nasal Cannula is used by the medical team to bridge patients being weaned from invasive ventilation. Ceylinco Life has built, equipped and donated High Dependency Units to the Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, the National Hospital, Colombo, the Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital and the Jaffna Teaching Hospital. HDUs are needed to upgrade a patient from normal care or as a step down from intensive care, helping release beds in the intensive care units. These units are used for post-surgery care, before transferring patients to the wards, or to treat an intensive disease.