Tiens Group gears up operations in Sri Lanka

Saturday, 27 November 2010 00:14 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Tiens Group Co. Ltd. was founded in 1995 by Li Jinyuan in Tianjin China. Tiens Group is a multinational conglomerate specialising in areas such as bio-tech, education, retail, tourism, finance, international trade and e-business, etc.

By Gayani Perera

The group entered the international market in the year 1997 and today has made its presence in over 190 countries worldwide. In Asia the group has made a widespread presence in countries such as Indonesia, Japan, India and Malaysia and with regards to the European region the Tiens Group headquarters is located in Germany Berlin. The African region is also a new market captured by the group where an estimated 82 branches are currently in operation.

The Tiens Group has set up branches in 110 countries and regions and has established strategic alliances with top-ranking enterprises from many countries. By producing health food, healthcare products, skincare products and household products the Tiens Group has become the lifestyle choice in the areas of health, happiness, beauty and affluence of more than 20 million families worldwide.

Through its charitable philosophy of contributing to society, Tiens Group actively takes on its corporate social responsibility. Also the successful management of an educated, localised and global workforce has greatly contributed towards achieving the international strategic goals of the Tiens Group.

The Tiens Group has an unbeatable international team in terms of research, innovation and professionalism including more than 8,000 employees of which 35% hold a master’s degree or higher. The Tiens Group brands categories include health food products, healthcare products, beauty care products and homecare products.

Ernie Ting, Vice President, Asia Pacific Region and Managing Director South Asia Sub-Region of the Tiens Group discussed more about their business operations in an interview.

“We currently own the largest market share in China our organisation is at present 15 years old whilst having a widespread presence around the world. We are proud of the fact that we have made our mark in Sri Lanka as well. Presently we have successfully completed one of our largest projects in China, which is our state-of-the-art industrial park which comprises of our logistics, research and development, medical research and global administrations centres. Through our industrial park we are aiming at mainly servicing the Asia Pacific regions,” said Ting.

The Tiens International Health Industrial Park, which is built with a fund of RMB 7 billion covers an area of 1 square kilometer and is positioned to become a world top comprehensive health industry park. This state-of-the-art park incorporates global tourism, education, training, seminar, treatment and recuperation, health preservation and protection and health management etc.

Tiens Group is very strong with regards to the health supplement products category which is at present its core area of business. The group also holds the Diamond Executive membership for the World Direct Selling Federation, which is a very prestigious position held by only a very few top eminent organisations.

 “I foresee that the direct selling industry holds a very high potential in the future. There are many companies that have attempted to manipulate this industrial sector especially through illegal pyramid operations which are strictly prohibited and we are very much against these types of activities taking place.

“Today the Sri Lankan market is booming and our organisation is very much interested in capturing the Sri Lankan market for which we foresee a high potential for growth. We hope to permanently build up our business operations here in Sri Lanka and are looking forward to fully cooperate with the Sri Lankan government’s regulations in order to go forward with further investments here,”, Ting further stated.

The Tiens Group has also received licence to establish its very own private university and this is a project which is expected to be completed by the year 2011. The university is built to house an estimated 30,000 student population and is one of the group’s major project undertaking scheduled to be completed next year.

“Ours is an organisation that caters to the middle and lower class market segments and we have a very strong presence in the developing countries. Due to this reason we have received the number one position in Africa, Indonesia and Russia. In Indonesia alone we have around 5 million distributors where we are directly supervised by the Ministry of Direct Selling. The main reason why we are very well received in developing countries is due to the fact that we have been successful in solving the unemployment issues, which are a main area of concern with regards to all developing nations,” said Ting.

Although the Tiens Group has only been operating in Sri Lanka for a brief period of 4 years the group has achieved tremendous results within a short period of time primarily due to the economic boom taking place in the country. Sri Lanka at present has a record breaking 50,000 Tiens distributors which signifies the high potential Sri Lanka has with regards to this area of business. Also in addition to Sri Lanka, India too has become a booming market for the Tiens Group.

In conclusion Ting said, “Ours is undoubtedly a very interesting and challenging industry and I would like to stress on the fact that we have no involvement whatsoever with any form of pyramid operations, which is an area that we very strongly oppose. Therefore in the future we hope to further tighten our ties with Sri Lanka and take our business operations forward for the betterment of the both the country and its people.”