Pathfinder Foundation announces new initiatives for 2012

Tuesday, 29 November 2011 01:51 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Pathfinder Foundation, true to its name is ready to continue its quest for innovative, homegrown solutions, while benefiting from relevant international and regional collaboration. By the first quarter of 2012, the Pathfinder Foundation is planning to launch a few new initiatives i.e. ‘Towards Reconciliation and Development,’ ‘Track Two Initiative for Closer Economic and Other Relations with China’ and ‘Beyond Ease of Doing Business Index for Improving the Business Climate in Sri Lanka.’

These initiatives will be in addition to the ongoing programmes such as the Legislative Advisory Service (Sanvada) and the Pathfinder Foundation – Harvard University Seminar Series.

The target audiences of these economic policy related activities are the Ministers, other Members of Parliament, senior policy makers and private sector associations.

The outcomes of these programmes have been encouraging with impact on policy formulation and reforms.

The Pathfinder Foundation and Columbia University, after initial discussions and successful consultations with academics, civil society representatives and public officials will be launching, in January 2012, a research and advocacy programme titled ‘Historical Memory as a Tool for Conflict Resolution.’ 

This project consists of four research areas led by prominent Sri Lankan experts in the respective fields. The components already identified include (1) Peopling of Sri Lanka (2) State-Building (3) School Curricula and (4) The Shared Experiences and Sufferings of the War.

Prof. Elasar Barkan of Columbia University will be in Sri Lanka in January 2012 to kick off the programme.

 In addition, USAID and Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) has already worked with Pathfinder Foundation in undertaking an initial study on ‘Increasing Private Investment in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.’

This study was conducted on the basis of wide consultation with business, government agencies and civil society both in the Northern Province and at the Centre. It has developed a set of specific recommendations for promoting investment in this region, key among them is the formation of an ‘Alliance to Promote Private Investment in the North’ or APPIN, to accelerate investment.

In playing its catalytic role, Pathfinder Foundation has also successfully negotiated with USAID/VEGA for providing technical assistance to the private sector in identifying and advocating policy and regulatory changes necessary for improving the overall business climate in the country and helping to achieve the government objective of improving the country’s rating in internationally recognised ranking indexes, including Logistics Performance Index, Competitiveness Index and Doing Business Index.

Another pioneering effort of the Pathfinder Foundation is a track two initiative with an identified Chinese think-tank.  In October of this year, two delegates of the Pathfinder Foundation were invited to attend a seminar cum study tour organised by the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD).

During this period, contacts were established with the prospective think-tank partner with whom a cooperation agreement is at a very advance stage of negotiations.

Areas of focus of the proposed agreement include mutually beneficial policy studies on expanding Sri Lanka’s export base and Chinese tourist arrival, investment promotion, technology transfer in sustainable energy sources as well as cooperation in Chinese traditional medicine, higher education and language teaching.

The Pathfinder Foundation analytical studies and public seminars on Indo – Sri Lanka economic relations too has contributed to the enrichment of the debate on closer economic cooperation between the two countries.

Pros – cons of implementing the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and other relations with India will be key aspects of the work programme of the Pathfinder Foundation.  

 In order to become an effective communicator the Pathfinder Foundation has already commenced publication of ‘Economic Alerts’ and ‘View Point’ series of branded bulletins regularly published in the local newspapers.

While ‘Economic Alert’ series mainly focuses on emerging national and global economic developments impacting upon Sri Lanka ‘View Point’ articles draws the attention of the readers to issues on socio-political dimensions.

The Pathfinder Foundation is also planning to begin a news series of articles by internationally renowned economists titled ‘From Pandora’s Box’.

The Pathfinder Foundation intends to continue its tradition of publishing original works on local economic issues and translation of internationally renowned economic classics.