Nawaloka Construction gets intl. certification

Thursday, 17 March 2011 00:30 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Nawaloka Construction a frontline player in the construction industry today and with an impressive track record,is the very first company in Sri Lanka to be awarded the prestigious   BS –OHSAS 18001:2007 certification from Moody International Certification Ltd, of the UK.

Nawaloka Construction is pre-qualified to undertake major road and bridge construction, harbour construction, as well as building projects. The Company is also prequalified by ICTAD with Contractor Categorizing as C1 for buildings and highways, and C2 for bridges as per ICTAD grading. Nawaloka Construction is a member of the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka (NCASL) as well as a Council Member of the Ceylon Institute of Builders.

“This certification means that the Occupational Health and Safety Management System of Nawaloka Construction has been assessed and registered against the requirements of  BS-OHSAS 18001:2007,” said Senior Auditor, Moody International, Mr. Mohamed Akthar who presented the certificate to Chairman Nawaloka Construction, Jayantha Dharmadasa.  “We are happy and proud to receive this certification. What is  significant is that Nawaloka Construction is not just the only construction company to receive this award, but we are the first company in any industry in the whole of Sri Lanka to obtain this international certification,” said Dharmadasa. “Safety is our number one priority. We vigorously protect the safety and well being of our workers. We actively participate to improve safety for all who operate in the industries we share and continuously strive for improvement in all our spheres of activity”.

 In addition, Nawaloka Construction is also the recipient of the ISO 9001:2008 certification.

 With regard to future plans, Dharmadasa said that the Company’s focus would be on ‘Green Construction’.

“More than most industries, the Construction Industry has a tremendous role to play in preserving the environment for future generations. At Nawaloka, responsible, ethical practices and behaviour will always be the cornerstone of all our endeavours,” he added