Supermarkets to open early tomorrow in non-curfew areas with Police protection

Sunday, 22 March 2020 18:52 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Private sector supermarkets will open early tomorrow morning in non-curfew areas under Police or military protection to enable people to buy essential items whilst authorities stressed there were sufficient stocks of goods.

With curfew lifting at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning in areas outside Colombo, Gampaha, Puttalam and Jaffna districts, most supermarkets have decided to open earlier than usual whilst ensuring safety of its staff as well customers.

Sri Lanka Retail Association Chairman Sidath Kodikara told the Daily FT that the public must not panic as there are ample stocks of essential items. All supermarkets will conform to hygiene and safety requirements and people have been urged to maintain physical distance when shopping or queuing up.

To ensure supermarkets have adequate stocks for tomorrow, the military has supported the companies to transport, distribute and store goods despite the ongoing curfew.