Chinese Embassy Twitter account reactivated

Tuesday, 14 April 2020 14:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Twitter account of the Chinese Embassy in Colombo which was suspended yesterday has been reactivated, with the popular social media website blaming the initial suspension on a “systematic mistake”. “On 13/4, Twitter suspended the official account of the Embassy, without any specific reason. The Embassy made solemn representation twice, requesting to clarify and correct. This morning, Twitter replied citing a ‘systematic mistake,’ apologised and unsuspended our account,” the Chinese Embassy said in a media release.

The Embassy said it regrets this error, adding that it would like to reiterate that freedom of speech must be honoured, not misused to spread groundless, racial or hate speech, nor be treated with double standards. As per Twitter’s terms and conditions it suspends accounts of those who violate ‘Twitter Rules’.