Sailors who rescued injured crewman from MT New Diamond commended

Wednesday, 23 September 2020 02:49 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

SLNS Ranarisi, a Navy Fast Gun Boat that responded to the MT New Diamond tanker fire incident and saved the life of an injured crewmember

By Asiri Fernando

The Sri Lanka Navy yesterday presented letters of commendation to a group of Navy personnel who braved rough seas and fire to rescue an injured crewmember of the stricken super tanker MT New Diamond earlier this month.

The Captain of SLNS Ranarisi Commander K.R.G.R.S. Rantenna, Lieutenant K.G.A.S.M. Wijerathne, Leading Engineering Mechanic D.L.K. Mudiyanse and Able Seaman W.G.G.U. Senarathne were presented Letters of Commendation for their valiant effort to rescue an injured crewman from the MT New Diamond, the Navy said.

The commendation letters were handed over to the four Navy personnel at the Navy Headquarters by Navy Commander Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne.

The Navy had dispatched SLNS Ranarisi, a Fast Gun Boat to assist the MT New Diamond when the tanker issued a distress call, 38 nautical miles off the east coast of Sri Lanka. The MT New Diamond was ablaze after a boiler explosion in her engine room caused a fire which spread to the superstructure of the mammoth vessel. 

The Sri Lanka Navy was fulfilling an international obligation as a coastal state to save the lives that were at risk following the oil tanker catching fire, the Navy stated. 

Acting on instructions by their Captain, Leading Engineering Mechanic Mudiyanse and Able Seaman Senarathne boarded the fire-stricken tanker via ladders when the Ranarisi steered a path close to the tanker, braving rough seas.

According to the Navy, Mudiyanse and Senarathne had volunteered to bring the injured engineer from the fire engulfed ship back to SLNS Ranarisi. The two sailors had entered the superstructure searching for the engineer who was injured.   

According to Navy sources, the pair moved through several compartments which were filling up with smoke and fuel vapour before the injured crewmember was found and safely carried out of the superstructure to descend in to SLNS Ranarisi, which was close by. The injured crewmember was given first aid aboard Ranarisi and the Fast Gun Boat made a dash for the coast to transfer the casualty ashore for treatment. 

“The quick action of Ranarisi and the selfless efforts of her sailors ensured that the seriously injured MT New Diamond crewmember was saved and moved to a medical facility ashore where he received the treatment that was required,” Navy Spokesman Capt. Indika De Silva said, adding that the leadership, commitment and professionalism exhibited by this team of naval personnel was in line with Navy traditions and would be a fine precedent for all naval personnel.