Japan extends support to ensure free and fair General Election

Thursday, 23 July 2020 01:04 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Government of Japan has decided to provide a grand aid worth $ 47,019 (approximately Rs. 8.5 million) for ‘The Project for Sustaining Democratisation through the Implementation of Free and Fair Election in Sri Lanka’ under its Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) with a view to conduct election monitoring and voter education for the upcoming General Elections on 5 August. 

The Grant Contract was signed between Embassy of Japan Charge d’ Affairs ad interim Kitamura Toshihiro and People’s Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) Executive Director Rohana Hettiarachchie on 22 July at the Ambassador’s residence in Colombo.

This project will contribute to encouraging the people of Sri Lanka to exercise their franchise in a free and fair manner under the global pandemic of COVID-19. Japan, as a longstanding friend, has extended its support to PAFFREL to convey its solidarity to Sri Lanka in its combat against COVID-19 and to support the consolidation of democracy in the country.

PAFFREL, as a leading local election monitoring organisation, will initiate election-related activities in a neutral manner under this project. This includes conducting training programs for 460 election observers to be deployed in each polling and counting station nation-wide. 

Furthermore, the project will educate voters through multimedia platforms such as TV, newspapers, and radio. Japan hopes this electoral assistance through PAFFREL would reach to the people at the grass-roots level and ensure inclusive political participation of all citizens.

Commenting on the provision of this grant, PAFFREL stated: “PAFFREL is the premier election observing organisation in Sri Lanka and has continually observed all elections for the past 30 years. PAFFREL deploys nearly 5,000 election observers, who represent country wide civil society groups and activists. This is in order to reduce the instances of violations and ensure that elections can take place in a free and fair environment and ensure that all voters can exercise their franchise freely.

“On the other hand PAFFREL continues to work on protecting voter rights and advocates for clean politics for upholding good governance and democracy. While this is a continuous process, it is also done through its voter education programs. Given the restricted mobility and physical distancing practices due to COVID-19 outbreak, where group discussions and meetings to be avoided, PAFFREL has re-strategised its education program via social media, print media, radio and television.

“PAFFREL is fulfilling its role, responsibly and effectively over the past 30 years and have won the confidence of the people. This has been possible primarily due to the enormous support extended by the people of Sri Lanka, and the support from the donors. PAFFREL acknowledges with gratitude the generous support by the Government of Japan for the last two decades to carry out our task.”