Sri Lanka Technological Campus collaborates with FITIS as Corporate Partner

Friday, 9 October 2020 00:06 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

From left: FITIS CEO Aruna Alwis, FITIS Senior Vice Chairman Dr. Prasad Samarasinghe, FITIS Chairman Abbas Kamrudeen, Founder President/CEO Eng. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe, Lead Corporate Education Nuwan Dishan, and Head of School of Computing and IT Dr. Dhammika Elkaduwa

Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) carrying the vision of being the excellence in higher education and research, joined hands with the Federation of Information Technology Industry (FITIS) as Corporate Partner in a bid to broaden its collaborative and industrial reach. With the objective of producing industry ready graduates with the right set of skills matching the industry job profiles, this partnership will certainly add value in moulding the academic delivery with industry inputs. 

The sponsorship cheque was recently handed over by SLTC Founder President/CEO Eng. Ranjith G. Rubasinghe to FITIS Chairman Abbas Kamrudeen.

Welcoming SLTC onboard for the year 2020, Kamrudeen said that it was indeed a pleasure for FITIS to have the support of SLTC, a most emerging higher education institute focusing on bringing in industry expertise in improving a profile of a graduate produced, to complement future employer demands. “I am very pleased to welcome SLTC onboard as a Corporate Partner, and I believe this partnership will tremendously benefit both organisations alike,” he said.  Kamrudeen also noted that having SLTC onboard is also an endorsement of the Federation’s mission to continue to serve the society by promoting and developing the higher education sector. 

Expressing his views on the Corporate Partnership, Eng. Ranjith Rubasinghe stated, “It is of great honour to be the Corporate Partner for FITIS 2020, it being a leading organisation in Sri Lanka with the purpose of providing the timely requirement and emphasis to the ICT industry. As a higher education institute focusing on producing skilled graduates to the industry, we will be able to further enhance the credibility of SLTC in the industry through this collaboration and further get the industry endorsement and inputs for improvement of degree programs in IT and Computing.” Since the inception in 2015, SLTC have been through a rapid growth in terms of establishing a university with a 2000+ student base and a 150+ full time academic carder. While carrying the mission of producing well-rounded graduates by providing a liberal environment for research and learning of the highest calibre, SLTC believes in supporting research and innovation by all possible avenues keeping the industry engagement as a key highlight of all programs. A vibrant, rich and diverse research and collaborative education system, embedded with a concept of differentiated delivery mode called TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning), rooted in excellence is created by ensuring a student-centric learning culture facilitated by research-oriented values.