Govt. says BIA ready to resume operations

Saturday, 16 May 2020 00:05 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

 Tourism and Aviation Minister Prasanna Ranatunga inspecting measures to reopen at BIA 


  • Mulls sterilisation chambers, laboratory
  • Opens new departure public concourse and new BIA access road

The Government expects to commence all operations of Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) as per the guidelines of the health authorities and international aviation regulations.

“We are ready to resume operations of BIA as soon as the health authorities and other sectors agree. A protocol has been finalised for the resumption of operations at Katunayake airport,” Tourism and Aviation Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said.

He assured the guidelines underscored by the international and local health agencies up on recommencing operations at BIA would be strictly followed.

“All passengers will be subject to disinfection and for that purpose, the security forces have already set up sterilisation chambers at the arrival terminal at BIA,” added.

Ranatunga also said the ministry had received proposals to conduct PCR tests at both arrival and departure terminals and was now consulting views on setting up a laboratory at the airport premises.

In addition, the Minister said they hoped to implement a special program on maintaining a minimal personal contact (social distancing) of incoming passengers at the BIA.

Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd. Chairman Major General (Rtd) G.A. Chandrasiri together with senior officials of AASL on Thursday opened the new departure public concourse and new access road of BIA.

Accordingly Rs.238 million was spent to construct the new departure public concourse. This consists a lounge area for air passengers, new shopping area and an office space for airlines.

The newly-opened 600-metre width access road consists of four lanes, is built with an investment of Rs. 300 million, and is construction is expected to be completed in October.

The project completions were accelerated as per President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s instructions and that of Minister Ranatunga.