Police complaint against Shah Rukh Khan after Wankhede spat

Friday, 18 May 2012 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Reuters: Cricket officials have filed a police complaint against Shah Rukh Khan after the Bollywood actor had an altercation with security staff and officials at Mumbai’s Wankhede stadium following an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match on Wednesday.

Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) officials said Khan was prevented from entering the cricket ground after the Kolkata Knight Riders, a team which the actor owns, beat the Mumbai Indians in an IPL match.

“He started manhandling the security guards … and when MCA officials rushed there, he started abusing them also,” Nitin Dalal, joint secretary of the MCA, told Times Now television.

Dalal said Khan was drunk and had around 15 people in his entourage.

“We have filed a police complaint against him and are considering banning him for life from the Wankhede,” MCA treasurer Ravi Sawant told reporters on Wednesday night.

Khan’s publicist did not respond to calls or messages.

In January, the 46-year-old actor was accused of abusing and manhandling Bollywood film-maker Shirish Kunder at a private party in Mumbai.