Ravi K says Govt. will protect country’s unitary status and preserve SL identity

Thursday, 29 June 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



Minister of Foreign Affairs Ravi Karunanayake says that the Government will protect the unitary status of the country, the place assured for Buddhism by Constitution and preserve the identity of Sri Lanka when dealing with the international community.

Minister Karunanayake stated this before the Chief Prelates of the Malwathu and the Asgiri Chapters when he paid courtesy calls on the Maha Nayakes Monday (26 June) to receive their blessings. 

State Minister of Foreign Affairs Wasantha Senanayake was also present at this event. Before paying a visit to Asgiri Chapter Chief Prelate the Most Venerable Warakagoda Gnanarathana Thera, Minister Ravi Karunanayake and State Minister Wasantha Senanayake paid homage to the Sacred Temple of the Tooth.Untitled-4

When the Minister paid a courtesy call on the Asgiri Chief Prelate, Registrar of the Asgiri Chapter Venerable Medagama Dhammananda Thera stated that a statement was issued by the Asgiri Chapter pointing out certain issues in the country to draw the Government’s attention in order to put the country on the correct path. It did not intend to create any anti-Government opinion however. The Thera also said that certain groups seem to capitalise on the statement by the Asgiri Chapter and making attempt to show that the Maha Sangha has made affiliation to their sides by issuing such a communique.

The Thera also said that the Maha Sangha always invoke their blessings on the President and the Prime Minister but it is their duty and responsibility as well to point out the faults if any, and correct them.

Venerable Dhammananda Thera stated that there is a perception in the country that the Government had bowed to foreign elements in the recent past, therefore, there are instances to abuse this situation to create disputable environment in the country. The Thera said the President and the Prime Minister are pressurised when various factions create problems over such issues and, leaving to create such pressure on the two leaders is not apt.

At this juncture, Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake said that the Government always listens to the Maha Sangha, values their advice and follows their instructions. The Minister also said that certain groups have been trying to abuse the freedom of democracy that has been fully restored by this Government.

Thereafter, Karunanayake paid a courtesy call on the Chief Prelate of the Malwathu Chapter Most Venerable Thibbatuwawe Sri Sumangala Thera and received the blessing.

Karunanayake told the Malwathu Maha Nayake Thera that the rule of the Good Governance was able to change the negative image of the country and win the international community during the last two years. He said Former Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera played a constructive role in this regard.

Responding to the Minister, the Maha Nayake Thera said that employing talented youths in Foreign Service instead of sending retired persons to head foreign missions would be of paramount importance. He said that it seems certain current ambassadors do not make any attempt to create a positive image of the country in the international arena.

The Maha NayakeThera also said that he had pointed out this issue on several occasions in the past as well but no action had been taken by the Government to correct the situation.

Answering to the Maha Nayake Thera, Karunanayake said that the Government appoints ambassadors to serve the country but not to enjoy a comfortable retirement overseas. Steps have already been taken, having had discussions with the President and the Prime Minster to call back several such ambassadors as they have failed to perform in their positions.

The Minister also said that the taxpayers’ money is spent to maintain the staffers who are sent on diplomatic service and, if such staffers fail to perform their duty, the government does not hesitate to replace such diplomats with suitable persons.

The Minister said that 63 ambassadors, representing Sri Lanka are currently engaged in diplomatic missions abroad.

Karunanayake said that the Government expects to begin diplomatic ties with several new countries and it is important to introduce commercial diplomacy. He pointed out that taking the country forward with the help of trade and investment is tangible than depending on foreign loans.

At the conclusion of the meeting with the Maha Nayake Thera, Karunanayake expressing his views to the media, said that former Foreign Minister G.L. Peries, on the instruction of then President Mahinda Rajapaksa, gave a series of pledges to the international community in 2009. As the then Government failed to fulfil the given pledges, the international community imposed various sanctions on Sri Lanka, he noted.

The Minister further said that the rule of ‘Good Governance’ was able to win over the international community and had laid a firm foundation during the last two-and-a-half years but a minority group had started to make “nonsensical statements” today.




Japanese ambassadors in 5 SAARC countries meet Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake

​Ambassadors of Japan in five SAARC countries met Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake Monday afternoon (26 June) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombo.

Japanese ambassadors in India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan and Bangladesh; Kenji Hiramatsu, Masashi Ogawa, Kuzumi Endo, Takashi Kurai and Masato Watanabe respectively participated in this meeting with the Foreign Minister.

The Japanese ambassadors who hailed the ongoing development activities in Sri Lanka pointed out the growth in the country is a matter of pride for other nations in the region.

Japanese Ambassador in Sri Lanka Kenichi Suganuma said that the meeting of the Japanese ambassadors in SAARC nations was arranged with the Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka in order to further strengthen the diplomatic relations between Japan and Sri Lanka.

The ambassador said that his colleagues in the SAARC countries inspected the functions of Colombo Harbour.

Addressing the Japanese ambassador in SAARC region, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ravi Karunanayake said Japanese investors have ample business opportunities in Sri Lanka.

The Minister also lauded the Government of Japan for extending immediate relief assistance to Sri Lanka during the recent weather disaster in the island.