London based INGO Islamic Relief helps 1,100 families  in Kolonnawa, Wellampitiya

Tuesday, 31 May 2016 00:36 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Pix and text by Ashraff.A. Samad

Islamic Relief Worldwide is an one of the largest INGOs in the world serving around 40 countries and provides humanitarian assistance to needy people without discriminating as to race, religion, or other differences.

Islamic Relief Sri Lanka was established in Sri Lanka in 2004 soon after the Tsunami and continues its operation across the country. It implements many projects to benefit the needy including orphan support projects, WatSan, education support, seasonal projects and emergency responses.


As part of its activities, Islamic Relief Sri Lanka acted to respond to the recent flood emergency that affected many parts of the country. In this connection it distributed 1,100 dry food packs to the most affected families from Sinhala and Muslim Communities in Kolonnawa division in Colombo-each worth approximately Rs. 3,000.  The activities were coordinated with the Relief Coordination committee, UNICEF, volunteers and other actors on the ground.

Islamic Relief Sri Lanka Country Representative Ibrahim Sabri handed over the dry food packs at Wellampitya, Weritiyawatte  27 May 

This project was funded by Sheikh Thani Bin Abdullah for Humanitarian services (RAF) and implemented by Islamic Relief Worldwide Sri Lanka. Recipients were greatly benefited from this distribution at the time, as they had lost everything from the devastation including their livelihoods, vehicles, utensils, clothes, books and stationeries etc.
